
Default configuration can be found in the module bel_commons.config.

By default, PyBEL searches for a configuration file called config.json in ~/.config/pybel/. This directory can be modified with the environment variable PYBEL_CONFIG_DIRECTORY. Additioanlly, the location of another custom configuration can be specified by the environment variable BEL_COMMONS_CONFIG_JSON.

In config.json add an entry PYBEL_MERGE_SERVER_PREFIX for the address of the server. Example: http://lisa:5000 with no trailing backslash. This is necessary since celery has a problem with flask’s url builder function flask.url_for.

Add an entry PYBEL_CONNECTION with the database connection string to either a local SQLite database or a proper relational database management system. It’s suggested to pip install psycopg2-binary in combination with MySQL since it enables multi-threading.

For a deployment with a local instance of RabbitMQ, the default configuration already contains a setting for amqp://localhost. Otherwise, an entry CELERY_BROKER_URL can be set.